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 Differential utilization of primary health care services among older immigrants and Norwegians: a register-based comparative study in Norway. 14
Diaz, Esperanza
2015Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 How do persons with dementia participate in decision making related to health and daily care? a multi-case study
Smebye, Kari Lislerud
2012Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Person-centered dementia care in home care services - highly recommended but still challenging to obtain: a qualitative interview study
Hoel, Kari-Anne
2021Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Dementia and immigrant groups: aqualitative study of challenges related to identifying, assessing, and diagnosing dementia
Sagbakken, Mette
2018Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Elder abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study
Botngård, Anja
2020Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Ethical dilemmas concerning autonomy when persons with dementia wish to live at home: a qualitative, hermeneutic study
Smebye, Kari Lislerud
2016Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Increased self-efficacy: the experience of high-intensity exercise of nursing home residents with dementia – a qualitative study
Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt
2015Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Nursing staff interactions during the older residents' transition into long-term care facility in a nursing home in rural Norway: an ethnographic study.
Eika, Marianne
2015Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Patient influence in home-based reablement for older persons: qualitative research
Moe, Aud
2017Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Perspectives of policy and political decision makers on access to formal dementia care: expert interviews in eight European countries
Broda, Anja
2017Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1