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 Care Farming for People with Dementia; What Can Healthcare Leaders Learn from This Innovative Care Concept?
de Bruin, Simone Renate
2020Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 “We feel included”: education and inclusion of health care staff with minority language in elder care
Krohne, Kariann
2019Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Adult children of parents with young-onset dementia narrate the experiences of their youth through metaphors. 8
Johannessen, Aud
2015Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 An intervention designed to improve sensory impairments in the elderly and indoor lighting in their homes: an exploratory randomized controlled trial
Haanes, Gro Gade
2015Artikkel / Avisutklipp 0 av 0
 Associations between Measured and Patient-Reported Physical Function and Survival in Advanced NSCLC
Stokke, Kristin
2022Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Characteristics, Burden of Care and Quality of Life of Next of Kin of People with Dementia Attending Farm-Based Day Care in Norway: A Descriptive Cross-Sectional Study
Taranrød, Liv Bjerknes
2020Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Community Health Care Workers’ Experiences on Enacting Policy on Technology with Citizens with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
Holthe, Torhild
2020Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Coping and Social Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Follow-Up Study among Healthcare Workers in Norwegian Public In-Home Services
Johannessen, Aud
2022Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Coping with transitions in life: a four-year longitudinal narrative study of single younger people with dementia
Johannessen, Aud
2019Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1
 Facilitation of activities for people with dementia in day care: a qualitative study exploring the experiences of staff
Strandenæs, Margit Gausdal
2019Artikkel / Avisutklipp 1 av 1